How to remove default/preloaded applications like browser,camera,contacts...
Suppose u have developed a new contact application which is much better than the preloaded contact application in when u want to install it eclipse will throw u bunch of error saying "Please uninstall the contact application first by adb uninstall "package name".
When u tried to do did not work...saying FAILED
The reason for this is that u don't have the root access and u have only read only access..So to change the access and remove the contacts(any application) follow the below instructions..
- Start your emulator
- Execute "adb shell" in on terminal from SDK_ROOT/tool folder
- Mount your system folder with read/write permission
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system - Go to system/apps folder
cd /system/apps - Remove APK
rm defaultapp.apk
Bingo Check your emulator.The default application is gone.Now u can install your application with eclipse.
N.B.:This is required to remove the apps already present in emulator...If u want to remove some of the application u've installed then just do
adb uninstall yourpackagename
adb shell
cd /data/app
rm yourapp.apk
So enjoy Being an Android Programmer........
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